Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I am not attempting to be full-service blog here, and I would never presume to take Martha Stewart’s place in anyone’s life. BUT I feel obligated to share with you a couple of household type items that I’ve run across lately.

First, and most riveting, was an article I saw in our monthly extension office newsletter. Apparently, researchers at the University of Missouri have created a SOY MEAT ALTERNATIVE that (and I quote here) "REALLY LOOKS LIKE CHICKEN". We can only hope this stuff hits the shelves by graduation so I can offer you soy meat alternative sandwiches for at least one meal.

My other tidbit stems from something I read on Yahoo, telling me how I could save big by making my own laundry soap. The ingredient list was a bit intimidating with 6-7 items, and an ominous note after one item that said GRATED. This sounded like more work than pleasure, but I read on thinking if we could fund a Hawaiian vacation with the vast savings, I could probably get one of my kids to do the grating. But finally came the math, and that’s when I realized why most people do not turn to Yahoo for household advice. Apparently, the actual savings would be about 15 cent per load, and since I do about a load a day, in a year I would save a whopping $54.75. Seriously. Call me lazy, but I just can’t grate soap for that.

I took David out for Chinese for lunch. He asked and I couldn’t say no.

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