Monday, April 5, 2010


So Saturday night, we went to the movies. And since we had nothing better to do, we decided to do a double feature. The girls and I saw Remember Me and Last Song, and the man and boy saw Clash of the Titans and then Last Song with us. Both the movies I saw were depressingly sad. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking letting them drag me to two tear-jerkers IN A ROW. I’m not usually that stupid.

And then afterwards we’re heading home and it’s after midnight. And of course I have a doozy of a headache from crying nonstop through the last 30 minutes of Last Song...even though David was providing some comic relief by looking down at me every 10 minutes or so and pretending to shoot himself in the head because he wasn’t too happy that we drug him to a chick flick. And I’m feeling a bit sick too from eating too much popcorn, because I said to myself...hey, two movies...I better get the refillable bucket and everyone can eat their fill...but of course no one does but me.

So anyway, I’m already feeling pretty low...and then guess what happens. I hear this giant "thump" and Dave says, "Uh, oh. We hit a rabbit." And that’s when we all remembered it was Easter morning.

I had lunch in the car with Emily. She had a double cheeseburger, plain with mac sauce, and I had a hamburger happy meal with a root beer.


  1. This post gave me the laugh I needed! Miss you guys!! We loved going to the movies with the Kurt family!!! Every time we go now Doug starts talking about how the first time he went with y'all Dave walked down the row laying napkins on everyones' laps and pouring popcorn on them so then he could go refil it! :) Great parenting tip for when ours get older!
