Friday, July 16, 2010

ANATOMY OF A WEDDING - Part 4 of at least 7


CORRECTIONS: Before I proceed, I need to make two corrections to my earlier wedding posts. One is that there were nine bridesmaids and nine groomsmen (including the honor attendants) and not eight as previously stated. Again, that’s NINE, and I figured this out on my own. One of my daughters pointed out my other error and not sweetly, I might add. She said it was the BROTHER of the bride who was delusional by saying he couldn’t find anything wrong with Ben. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by these errors.

EVEN LUKE HAD OPTIONS: So after sharing time, we were offered many activity options. Courtney’s dad and/or brother had mowed a pasture and marked the lines for a softball game so most folks headed over there first. I was busy catching up with my long lost aunts and uncles so I didn’t play and thus have no gory details for you. I did hear that they chose up sides the old-fashioned way and I really wish I’d been there to spare anyone else the shame of being picked last. Because that honor always goes to me during any family ball game. And I actually don’t mind because then there are no expectations of me...and so I can quit anytime I feel like it, which is usually after running just once to first base. I also take a lawn chair with me anytime our team takes the sense in wasting my energy pretending I’m ready to catch a fly ball when I’m not. I think these habits of mine somehow disguise my natural athleticism, and thus hurt my chances of getting picked any sooner than last.

EVERYBODY IN THE POOL: Fortunately the pool in Courtney’s backyard was much larger than the motels. Because at some point after the softball game all the people who were young enough not to scare anyone in their swimsuits made their way into the pool for diving exhibitions, pool basketball, or just to cool off. The rest of us sat by the pool visiting and watching the young people at play. Fortunately it was dark by this time, because most of the guys had been golfing that day and had extremely unsightly golf tans.

KNOCK-OUT: Next, those crazy kids headed for the basketball court and played more knock-out games than I could count. There were about 30 people participating and so the competition was extremely tough. And I have no idea who won any of the games so if you are reading this to see your name in lights and get some glory, you will have to get used to disappointment.

FREEWHEELING, FREELOADING AND FOUR-WHEELING: A few guests enjoyed other activities throughout the evening. My husband and several others enjoyed four-wheeling over the grounds until they ran out of gas. When I slipped into the house for a few moments...okay yes, for another Connie’s Cookie...I noticed a couple of people had migrated into the air conditioned house and were watching a sporting event on television. Losers? Or were they just trying to avoid developing a heat rash? Who can say?

HIS AND HERS: Weddings can be such awkward affairs, can’t they? I mean, at times. Because you’re throwing two diverse families together and then sprinkling in his friends and her friends who don’t always know each other. The result is a random assortment of people who may not have much in common. For instance, for this wedding, we had a father of the bride who has a pool in his backyard, and we had a father of the groom who can’t swim. We had a mother of the bride who I suspect only bought one outfit for the wedding, and we had a mother of the groom who bought at least five. One honor attendant spent the last three years as a missionary in Africa, and the other honor attendant spent the last three years in high school. And finally, we had a flower girl who speaks softly and a ring bearer who carries a big stick. So you see, we definitely had our diversities.

ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY: Which brings me to the real reason the evening was so beautiful, at least to me. It wasn’t the cookies or the sharing or the games. It was the fact that all these different people came together and by the end of the night, we were like one big, happy family. I wish we could have found time to sing "We’re all in this together" (from High School Musical) and perhaps choreograph a dance to go with it. But that wasn’t on the schedule for some reason.

So that’s it for Part 4. Stay tuned for Part 5 because we are heading into the actual Wedding Day! I know I’m excited.

I had a veal cutlet, carrot medallions, and fresh snow peas for lunch. Okay, no. I had tuna and wheat thins.

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