Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ANATOMY OF A WEDDING - Part 6 of who knows how many?


APOLOGY ACCEPTED: We were asked to be out at Courtney’s house by 6 p.m. for pictures. Since the ceremony wasn’t until 7:30, there was some concern that even if we arrived looking fresh and crisp for the pictures, we’d be looking more like so much wilted spinach by actual ceremony time. Because let’s be honest, the great outdoors in Oklahoma is a virtual sauna in June. And I don’t blame Courtney for planning an outdoor wedding then. I blame Ben...because he’s in his crazy-mixed-up-medical-school-days, and thought he’d enjoy his honeymoon more if he didn’t have to spend most of it studying for his boards. He did apologize, and profusely. And naturally we forgave him, and tried to keep our grumbling to a minimum.

DESERT ISLANDS: And at least for me, this "wedding in a sauna" thing turned out to be a good thing. Not only because it allowed me to sweat out all my impurities, but also because it was one of those great EQUALIZER things. Of course the bride and a few others managed to look fresh throughout the night, but the rest of us drooped TOGETHER and bonded...just like fellow survivors of a shipwreck. And here of course I’m thinking of Gilligan’s Island where Kansas farm girl Maryann was able to mingle easily with Hollywood starlet Ginger because they were stranded on a desert island together. In much the same way, I was able to mingle quite easily with those much classier than me because the heat brought them down to my level of grooming. Not that I’m comparing this wedding to a shipwreck...because other than the heat, and maybe one guest who reminded me of the Professor, there really weren’t any other similarities.

THE SET-UP: So you know how when you order fajitas, the waiter first brings you that lovely set-up? A plate full of guacamole and pico de gallo and other goodies? Someone in my family once started eating those accompaniments like it was a salad before his meal...I think it was Zach...and we found that amusing. But the point is that a good set-up always sets a festive mood and prepares you for the sizzling stuff to come. And that’s how it was with the set-up for the wedding. The gates by the road festooned with purple wreaths, the musicians tuning up their instruments, the wedding party bedecked in lavenders and purples all milling about the place. All of this and more provided a festive atmosphere...preparing us for the sizzling wedding ceremony to come. Pun intended, by the way...

And I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to leave you with a cliffhanger...but I have to cut this one short. My family calls and I must answer. For lunch today, I had a special treat. I was in Wichita for a doctor’s appointment (which I will tell you about later, you lucky dogs you) and met my sister Susan at Five Guys and a Burger...or is it just Five Guys Burgers?...something like that anyway. And we had burgers and fries...and they were great...but the company was the BEST.

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