Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Do you need a breather? I know the wedding posts can be quite intense for some. So I thought today I would just stick with a family update.

Emily, aka Herr Dictator, has only 38 days left in her reign of terror. Okay, I’m exaggerating. But here’s the latest. Last Saturday, she and a friend decided to go garage-saling. Of course she spurns this activity when I suggest it...but that’s not my point. My point is Emily brought home some "treasures" to add to her stack of must-watch videos for the summer. And we all tried to act enthusiastic. She got Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat...and yes the music is awesome, but Donny Osmond really should have rethought that loin cloth bit. Disturbing.

Emily also brought home what she THOUGHT was the movie Honey I Shrunk the Kids. But when she removed the video from the case and placed it in the VCR, she began to dance around...yes, like Frosty. Because the people who sold it to her had mixed up their videos and cases...and it was none other than the SEQUEL to THE BUTTERCREAM GANG!! And the reason I use two exclamation points here is that just a week ago, after forcing us to watch the original movie, she told me about this sequel (information she gleaned from the internet) and said she wished she could see it sometime. So I ask you...WHAT ARE THE ODDS? I mean these are seriously obscure films people...even though one of my readers (Dixie!) actually watched them as a kid too. So Emily was other word for it...and we then were forced to watch this sequel which...surprise, surprise...was not quite on a par with the original. And afterwards Emily says wistfully, "I hope we can find Honey I Shrunk the Kids for real next time." Or something to that effect. So the moral of this story careful what you wish might get it.

Rachel has started back seriously to dance class and is busy preparing for her role as Cinderella in the ballet by the same name. The most difficult part of this preparation appears to be finding a prince charming. I don’t know if I told you that she and her snow prince broke off their relationship several months ago due to irreconcilable differences. So he’s off the hook. She had another guy VOLUNTEER to learn the part...which was a bit worrisome...even more so when he asked Rachel if there was a kissing scene. But he’s sweet and so we’ll see about that one.

Meanwhile she had a major slip-up last night as my personal trainer. She came in from her speech class and handed me the biggest no-bake cookie you’ve ever seen. One of her classmates made them for a demonstration speech...and Rachel knows how much I adore them. So she only has herself to blame for any addition weight gain of mine.

David went to some football drill thing last night called "dip and slip." I asked him what that meant and he didn’t give me a straight answer. Could that be a sign that he’s on drugs? He brought home an invitation to the Quineanera and it said clearly "y sus appreciable familia" which I’m pretty sure means I’m invited too. Can someone confirm this? Mary?

David has also been the main instigator lately of us all playing Nertz every night. Emily is a hater on Nertz but she will even drag herself away from her movie-madness to play with us. Probably because David asks...and because she’s a victim of our "we will never pass this way again" mentality too.

As for Dave...dear sweet Dave...earlier this week, he woke me up frantically patting around on the sheets looking for his "other sock." He said, "I just had it!" Then he looks around on the floor and walks into the bathroom and searches there and then he comes back into the bedroom and...I’m not making this up...looks UNDER the fitted sheet on our bed for this sock. I said I didn’t think it would be there...but he was obviously determined to leave no stone unturned. Finally he gives up and gets another pair of socks out of the drawer. And that’s when he discovers his other sock is ON HIS OTHER FOOT.

I dreamed last night I was in a glass elevator 35 stories above the Pacific Ocean. This was a nice break from my usual dreams where I’m trimming my nails and/or doing laundry. So depressing to wake up and find those tasks still UNDONE.

I had more tuna and crackers for lunch. It's a rut, but a good one.

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