Saturday, June 26, 2010


I still haven’t pulled the plug on the TV. But everyday I ponder the idea. Well, maybe not everyday...but at least on the days when I can’t tear myself away from shows like "I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant." Just when I think I’ve encountered (and maybe secretly enjoyed) the stupidest show ever made...I find an even stupider one. Like "Battle of the Wedding Designers." I was literally transfixed by that one.

Then there’s Wimbledon. I haven’t watched it for the last 12 years, and I have to say I’ve missed it. That line judge in the skirt, all those white-only tennis outfits, the lovely English accent of the announcer...could there be anything more entertaining? Okay, maybe. But still...I do love it. And I think...what if we’d never turned the TV back on and I’d never known anything about Isner and his 112 aces and his poor little skinless toes after that 11-hour match. And then I know that our TV is here to stay...for better or worse...

Speaking of for better or worse...I’m still working on that wedding series. It’s coming along nicely, but still needs tweaking.

Meanwhile, I have a family update...

Emily: Finally got her car to take to school. Specifically, a sweet Jeep Liberty. And the hail damage is barely noticeable...if you stand far enough away. But that’s why it was in our price range. And she chose it over a granny-car with no hail damage. She’s no dummy. I still remember shopping for her first the dark...behind a friend’s house at night. He had a line-up of ancient battered trucks for sale...and she chose the one that had doors that opened and shut.

Rachel: Babysitting for 4 little girls this summer. I get text messages throughout the day like this one... "Zoe fell and is bleeding from her mouth. Should I try to get the blood stains out of her blanket?" That’s not unnerving in the least.

David: Went to the pool today and blistered his back. He’s obviously still a little boy who needs his mommy to put sunblock on him. But I was at a continuing legal education class learning about why lawyers get I had no time for him.

Dave: Fixed the glass in my front door today...which was mysteriously broken when my rowdy family was here. No one fessed up which is typical for this family. It's like Sally’s ping-pong table...which everyone still maintains was broken one actually. EVERYONE was innocent.

Me: I have finally discovered the beauty of tight-fitting clothes. I used to think if I wore big baggy tent-like things, people would assume I was skinny underneath. One day I realized that people aren't that stupid. So I started wearing things that fit me better...and realized the real advantage of tight-fitting clothes...which is that they need no ironing. Because they’re stretched out over the bulk.

Before I close, I would like to mention that today is my brother Bill's 49th birthday. Nine years ago today, on Bill's 40th birthday, my father died after a year-long battle with cancer. I will never forget how matter-of-fact Bill was about the situation. He said several times how Dad's death made the day more special. After all, Dad was headed for heaven, and we couldn't very well wish him back to this earth. I don't think Bill reads my blog, but I still want to go on record as little brothers go, he's probably one of the world's top two...or so.

I had a hamburger happy meal for lunch because I was on my way to that aforementioned class and had no time to fix myself a big fancy lunch.

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