Thursday, June 10, 2010


I’m happy to report I have this Veronica Lake thing going on with my hair today. At least on one side. The other side has that "just got OUT of the lake" thing going on. Fortunately, I have a lot of optimists in my life who will see me as looking half-good, rather than half-bad. I just have to remember which way to turn my head if anyone decides to take a picture of me.

And while we’re on the subject of me, I feel compelled to tell you that my hives are back. They now hang around all day, every day...which is new and interesting. At least to me. This morning I counted 17 hives on just one leg, and then I began to feel stressed so I stopped counting. Because some people (including a few medical types) tell me stress could be the cause of my condition. Of course I don’t believe them...because I am far too well-adjusted for that...but it probably doesn’t hurt to avoid stress anyway.

So why don’t I go to the doctor you ask? Sadly, my allergist told me flat out that he has no answers for me. My guess is he’s spending too much time designing violin bows (which he does on the side) and not enough time studying his "causes of hives" books. So at this point, I am basically just waiting until my nephew Ben finishes med school in 2012 to see if he can come up with a real diagnosis.

Meanwhile I am taking mega-doses of antihistamine, which brings me to the reason I even brought up this subject in the first place. Please know that I am NOT trying to invoke your sympathy here, or even get you to bring me a home-cooked meal, even though that would be nice. I’m merely trying to explain why my posts lately may be less than riveting. Because basically I’m sleep-walking through my life. But come 2012, you can expect greater things.

And a weather report...temp was a steamy 107 at last look...winds gusting to 32 mph. And we have two baseball games to attend and you know what that means. Yep. The Veronica Lake side will soon be joining the "other lake" side. But it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I'm just that kind of mother.

Finally, I'm embarrassed to admit I took the kids back to the Chinese restaurant for lunch. I'm so weak.

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