Friday, June 4, 2010


My nephew Luke was a tad squeamish in his younger days…at least when it came to “girl talk.” Anytime the conversation drifted towards women’s cycles or anything remotely related thereto, he would immediately cover his ears with his hands and repeat, “I’m not listening, I’m not listening, I’m not listening.” He’s a bit better these days, now that he’s married and has watched his wife give birth to two children. But I remember the younger Luke when I write this blog....out of respect for my handful of male readers. As I ponder whether or not to mention certain topics, I ask myself, “Would the younger Luke have to cover his eyes while reading this, and repeat, I’m not reading, I’m not reading”? And if the answer is yes, then I leave it out. Hence the dearth of talk about my hormonal ups and downs.

That being said, I still feel I would be remiss not to recount what occurred this past weekend. In short, the dam finally broke, and I spent about 24 hours teetering between being teary-eyed and crying uncontrollably. Was it because of Memorial Day? Was I so conscious of the incredible sacrifices made for my freedom, that I naturally broke down? I wish I was that sensitive and unselfish. But since I’m not, I had to look for another cause. At first I blamed it on my son for once again preferring to spend the night with his friends, when he could have stayed home with me. But while that irritated me, it wouldn't normally cause me to break down. Later, I decided it was those graduation-moment-tears that never came when I thought they would. Perhaps my body had saved them up for the Memorial Day weekend, as a nice surprise for me.

Then at some point during the deluge, my bewildered husband wondered aloud if there might a hormonal cause…but I wasn’t buying that simple explanation. I figured I was surely more complex than that. But later that day, due to a certain "arrival", I determined that he was probably right, and felt immediately better by the way. Later, when I announced the verdict to my family, they all sighed with relief. Because it really is true that when momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

I apologize for breaking my blog silence with such a topic…but I felt you should know where I’m at these days.

I haven’t had lunch yet today. But for lunch earlier this week I had a divine crab salad along with other leftovers from the wedding of my boss’s son. All I could think about while eating was how I couldn’t wait to blog about having something besides fast food for lunch. And then I didn’t get it done.

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