Tuesday, May 11, 2010


A couple of final notes about my Mother’s Day. Besides what the girls got me, Dave again planted flowers for me in my pots. And if the wind ever stops blowing, I think he’ll move them out of the garage to the front of the house, where I will probably enjoy them more. The girls also wrote me sweet cards (I think this was a Sunday school assignment, but that’s neither here nor there). And sweet cinder-Rachel gave me "coupons" for housework and stuff, which I think might have been her idea.

Finally, I should also mention that David wrote me a poem (2 lines, but who’s counting) in which he rhymed MA’ MOM with DA’ BOMB. So that was special. Oh and he signed it with his full name. He also gave me a coupon for a "dinosaur" performance, which is this impression he does that I think is funny, only I have to bribe him to do it most of the time. I noticed at church Sunday he didn’t seem to be paying attention to the sermon but had his head down the whole time. Apparently this was when he was composing his poem and drawing the dinosaur coupon.

So I know I should have a little talk with the boy, but something else happened last night that put us back in groveling mode. That’s when we might have been a teensy-tiny bit late to the kids’ choir concert, and somehow missed ALL of David’s portion of the program. Seriously. But it really wasn’t our fault (Luke) because from time immemorial, this school has ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS had the band program first and THEN the choir. But last night they pulled a change-up on us and the choir sang first. And so now we’ll never know if his white socks showed as he climbed the risers, or if he started laughing inappropriately at something the choir teacher said or did. And now I feel like I should wait a bit before I lecture him about paying attention in church.

And I had to go to an ethics continuing ed class this morning, not because I’m in trouble or anything, but because it’s required by the Bar. So afterwards I drove through Wendy’s and got a junior bacon cheeseburger for lunch.

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