Sunday, May 2, 2010


I wrote my blatantly sentimental post about my mom’s friendship with Mary Ann yesterday, but it’s being held captive on my niece Katy’s laptop, because her internet isn’t working. Proving once and for all that even in the big city, technology can and will let you down. I wanted to post it on the day of the funeral but it was not to be. But hopefully, tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I have another little story for you because I am home now, where our small-town technology is holding up nicely. Shortly after Mary Ann’s funeral on Saturday, I was let in on a little secret. My niece’s boyfriend was planning to propose that very afternoon, and we were invited to the impromptu engagement celebration. Needless to say, when you attend a funeral (albeit an uplifting one) and an engagement party (complete with cake, celebration soda, and an enormous mylar balloon in the shape of an engagement ring) ON THE SAME DAY, it can be a bit draining emotionally. But all in all, the day was inspiring and good.

So Betsy said yes, which made for a much more festive party than it would have been otherwise. I can’t believe the little thing is old enough to be wearing an engagement ring, but I guess she is and we’re all pretty excited about it. Thomas, the proposer, took Betsy’s parents out to an early breakfast at Panera’s and "asked" for her hand. Or something like that. I wasn’t there of course. And that didn’t bother me at first, but later I was thinking about how he probably should have asked me too. Because from the day Dave and I moved in down the street from her when she was four years old, she was pretty much mine. I never left her house that she didn’t beg to go with me. After church services, she would go get in our car, not hers. I even sort of named her. So if Thomas had been thinking straight, he surely would have cleared his plans with me as well. But men in love are not always the most responsible so I will let it slide.

Especially because that night they let the whole family join them for dinner at Vito's, the restaurant where they had their first date. And the food was superb, despite the billing that it was "authentic Italian." Those words have always scared me since my trip to Italy last spring...where the meatballs and pepperoni always looked and tasted a bit strange.

And today, I had a burrito from Taco Bell, and two chicken strips from Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch. We were on the road and stopped at one of those combo-restaurants which is always a mistake for me because I get so conflicted.

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